Conradi and Wang with the Sandnes Symphony Orchestra

Mar 25, 2013

A swinging feel-good concert with Corey Conradi, Mareike B. Wang and Sandnes Symphony Orchestra. Most of the songs are taken from the American songwriter Cole Porter's repertoire

Corey Conradi is one of Norway's most sought after actors, known and critically acclaimed for both theater, musicals and films. Mareike B. Wang has in a short time become a household name on stage in Rogaland, with both strong acting skills and a great singing voice. They will sing both separately and together.

Sandnes Symphony Orchestra (formerly Sandnes Orchestras) has been involved in a variety of things, among them a great interaction with Sigvart Dagsland last year. (source: Sandnens Kulturhus)



Date: Saturday 1. June 
Time: 7pm
Stage: Stor Sal
Price: 380,-/ 70,-
Order tickets: At Billettservice

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