The Journey - from book to Kilden

Mar 26, 2013

By Anne Cath. Albert, with Corey Conradi

The book "The Journey" is an affectionate little book of poems about longing and losing, dreams, hope and love - first and foremost about love. Composer Stein Berge Svendsen has put beautiful melodies to the lyrics, performed by Isa Gericke.

Illustrator and artist Oscar Jansen has interpreted with a broad brush. "The Journey" has thus become a personal, lyrical and audiovisual little kinder egg, something out of the ordinary. Simply open up! The performance will aim to touch and create movement in people's hearts. Hearts will dance and dreams will fly!

Words, sounds and images have met strongly. They understood each other's language! (source: Kilden)



Corey Conradi, performer text/song
Anne Cathrine Albert, writer/ text
Stein Berge Svendsen, componiser/musical leader
Oscar Jansen, illustrations
Isa Katharina Gericke, song
Plus some great musicians


29.10.2013, 7pm 
30.10.2013, 6pm 
30.10.2013, 8pm

Tickets: +47 90 58 11 11 or Billettluka 

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