Peer Gynt - reviews

Sep 8, 2013

«Grounded Peer Gynt»

Tønsberg Blad writes. «Corey Conradi has been assigned the role of Peer, who is self-sufficient through thick and thin, in everything. He carries the role effortlessly all the way through to the last sentence. Peer is on stage almost constantly, and it's a real tour de force. Conradi with Sylvia Salvesen (mother Aase) makes her moment of death one of the many emotional moments in the show. It is beautifully done through a little dance, and thankfully not in the sled as we've seen so many times before. Conradi acts so that we are spellbound by his storytelling, he lies so well that we believe in him. He is an amazing actor, musical to his fingertips.»

«Humor, insanity and slightly vulgar»

Gjengangeren writes. «Corey Conradi drives game forward with great energy and unmatched enthusiasm, he engages and moves and makes us forget that we are slightly cramped, that Ibsen uses a long time getting his message across and that the summer is undeniably about to turn into fall»

Moving and lush «Peer Gynt»,

Telemark Arbeiderblad writes. «Before the nearly three-hour performance is finished, it is clear that Peer in Corey Conradi's hardworking character has the ability to engage us once again.»

Magnificent premiere of Peer Gynt»

Vestfold Blad writes. «Kåre Conradi starred as Peer when Peer Gynt premiered on Wednesday night in front of a packed grandstand at Karljohansvern in Horten.»


Kare Conradi

Wars of the Roses

Kåre is starring in "The Wars of the Roses" alongside Joely Richardson in Kingston from September. Dircted by Sir Trevor Nunn. More.

Kare Conradi

"He has musical timing in movements and lines, alternating between elegant arrogance, self-irony, despair and eventually rage. Conradi serves the sharp repartee with ironic lash." More...

Kare Conradi

Little Eyolf

For the Ibsen Festival this autumn, Kåre revisits the rold of Alfred Allmers in Ibsen's "Little Eyolf": When the dream of the perfect family becomes a night-mare for the kids.

Kare Conradi

Pir Ghani in Mumbai

Kåre's one-man-show with Peer Gynt was so well received in Oslo that Mumbai couldn't wait to see it for themselves. Read more.