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Mar 24, 2013
APRIL: Corey Conradi is a multi talent and a crowd favorite. He sees himself as a mediator and it is precisely this that makes Corey a fantastic entertainer. His authenticity and presence in everything he does makes sure that he has the audience in the palm of his hand from the first stanza.
Mar 23, 2013
AUGUST: Teater Ibsen will stage Peer Gynt at Karljohansvern this summer. The cast will be, amongst others, Corey Conradi and 20 members of the Masken group
Nov 15, 2012

If you missed Corey Conradi as the snobby language professor Henry Higgins in 2003, you'll get another chance from February 2013.

Sep 25, 2012
This fall you can catch a new psychological thriller, "Dead Reckoning", at Oslo Nye Centralteatret from the 15th of November 2012.
Kare Conradi

Wars of the Roses

Kåre is starring in "The Wars of the Roses" alongside Joely Richardson in Kingston from September. Dircted by Sir Trevor Nunn. More.

Kare Conradi

"He has musical timing in movements and lines, alternating between elegant arrogance, self-irony, despair and eventually rage. Conradi serves the sharp repartee with ironic lash." More...

Kare Conradi

Little Eyolf

For the Ibsen Festival this autumn, Kåre revisits the rold of Alfred Allmers in Ibsen's "Little Eyolf": When the dream of the perfect family becomes a night-mare for the kids.

Kare Conradi

Pir Ghani in Mumbai

Kåre's one-man-show with Peer Gynt was so well received in Oslo that Mumbai couldn't wait to see it for themselves. Read more.