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Sep 7, 2012

The Directorate for cultural heritage signals protection of Ibsen's apartment. In August it was announced that the apartment building that houses, amongst other things, the Ibsen Museum and Henrik Ibsen's apartment has been put up for sale. Because the building is not listed, it is theoretically at risk of being transformed into something else entirely.

Aug 13, 2012
You can catch Corey Conradi's one-man-show, "About Peer", at the Edinburgh Festival this August - and at the Union Theatre in September.
Jul 15, 2012
You can catch Corey Conradi's one-man-show, "About Peer" at the National Theatre in Oslo from this September - after a quick premiere in Edinburgh.
Jun 1, 2012

What happens when there's nothing beneath the surface, and real life is in the intermission? You'll find what the answer to that was in England in the 70s - at the National Theatre until 13th of June.

Kare Conradi

Wars of the Roses

Kåre is starring in "The Wars of the Roses" alongside Joely Richardson in Kingston from September. Dircted by Sir Trevor Nunn. More.

Kare Conradi

"He has musical timing in movements and lines, alternating between elegant arrogance, self-irony, despair and eventually rage. Conradi serves the sharp repartee with ironic lash." More...

Kare Conradi

Little Eyolf

For the Ibsen Festival this autumn, Kåre revisits the rold of Alfred Allmers in Ibsen's "Little Eyolf": When the dream of the perfect family becomes a night-mare for the kids.

Kare Conradi

Pir Ghani in Mumbai

Kåre's one-man-show with Peer Gynt was so well received in Oslo that Mumbai couldn't wait to see it for themselves. Read more.